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Young & Old


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No Matter How Old You Are!

As long as you are healthy and have no serious disease which hinders you from a simple operation, you are qualified for a hair restoration. So, don't hesitate to contact us.

Hair loss is a common phenomen which occurs in both men and women, regard- less of age. Our patients belong to all age groups. So, as long as you are healthy enough to have a simple surgery and have enough donor hair on the sides and back of your head, you are considered a good candidate.

Men & Women


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We Take Care of Both of You ...

Hair loss happens to both genders. If it's any consolation to you, you are not the only one!. We have an extensive experience in hair transplantation, both for men and women.

Hair loss is very common, affecting both men and women. So if this has been happening to you, then you are certainly not alone. However, you do not have to be still a victim to the old thought “there is nothing you can do about hair loss.” This is incorrect; the good news is that there is a cure for that.


Patient & Tourist


... and Help You Arrange Accommodation.

Most of our patients come from abroad. We can even take care of your accommodation during your stay in Istanbul, Turkey, if you wish so. The service is offered at reasonable rates.

Combine your medical treatment and holiday in Istanbul, Turkey! If you wish, we can arrange you a guided tour in Istanbul before or after your operation. Istanbul offers world-class attractions. Furthermore, if you are not a resident in Istanbul, we kan help you arrange your accommodation through our affiliated hotels with a special offer.

  • FUE Hair Transplantation Technique




    FUE (Follicular Unit Extraction) is one of the two hair extraction techniques used in hair transplantation. In this approach, follicular units (also called FUs or follicles) are extracted directly from the scalp (donor area). The extracted FUs are then transplanted to areas that are thinning or bald (recipient area). Instead of using scalpels, this method is dependent on extracting the follicles with special needles. The size of these punch needles plays a decisive role; choosing the right size minimizes damage to the donor area.

    Irrespective of which operation technique is used, any FUE or FUT transplant should always be performed by an experienced specialist. In our clinic, this operation is performed safely and in accordance with the laws in force by our plastic surgeon and not by aestheticians nor by dermatologists. We offer only the tested and the least risky solutions to our patients.


  • FUT Hair Transplantation Technique




    In FUT technique (Follicular Unit Transplantation), also known as strip method, tiny bundles of 1 to 4 hairs each are harvested from the donor area by removing a single, thin strip that is further dissected into individual follicular unit grafts with the aid of special microscopes.

    The main issue with this hair extraction technique is the scarring which is left after the operation. However, over the past decade major progress has been made in FUT method. Trichophytic closure is a technique used to make the scars caused by the removal of the strip of skin practically invisible. When this closure method has been used after an FUT, it becomes quite possible for patients to wear their hair short; around 6 - 8 mm long.


  • Pros & Cons of FUE & FUT Methods



    Since both FUE and FUT have very good success prospects, there is no answer to 'which one is the best method'. The choice is dictated by the patient’s hair condition. Both methods have their own pros and cons. In short, FUE is the good option for young patients and those who might consider a shorter hair style in the future. FUT on the other hand is recommended to those who have a longer hair style.

    The main advantage of FUE treatment is that hair follicles are extracted without leaving scars. Besides, FUE is the right choice when there is little hair in the donor area, and hence body hair (BHT) has to be used for hair transplant. While the main positive feature in an FUT is the quality of the hair that is being transplanted, its most issue is the scarring which is left after operation on back of the head. This problem has mostly been taking care nowadays by using trichophytic closure technique.



Top Cases of Hair Loss

Androgenic Alopecia is the most common reason for hair loss. It is caused by a combination of inherited genes and the changing hormones, and will affect up to 70 % of men and 40 % of women at some point in their lifetime. Female hair loss follows a more diffuse pattern and differs from male-pattern baldness. The reason why some lose their hair and others do not may depend on several factors, but in most cases it depends on an inherited product of testosterone called dihydrotestosterone (DHT).




Traction Alopecia, also known as over-styling hair loss, is caused as result of rigorous styling and hair treatments over the years. Examples of extreme styling include tight braids, hair weaves or corn rows as well as chemical relaxers to straighten your hair, hot-oil treatments or any kind of harsh chemical or high heat. Tight ponytails, wrong combs, parting your hair, can further aggravate the condition.




Alopecia Areata, also called Patchy Hair Loss, is a result of an overactive immune system, meaning that the body gets confused. Under this condition, the person's immune system mistakenly attacks hair follicles, which is where hair growth begins. It occurs equally in men and women, and the extent of the hair loss varies.



Hair Transplant News


Hair Cloning

The idea of cloning hair follicles has been around for many years. Almost every month, there are some newly published articles which report new findings and suggestions on how to improve this new technique of hair loss treatment. Recently, Dr. Claire Higgins and her colleague Dr. Colin Jahoda have published an overview of hair cloning. The article discusses the challenges scientists face in attempting to develop hair regeneration therapies for androgenic alopecia. It points to the problems which remain, thus far, in developing this new hair loss therapy.

Hair multiplication or hair cloning is a promising new technique under development to counter hair loss. In a nutshell, hair cloning means taking one hair follicle from the hair loss-resistant donor area and multiplying it in a laboratory to make several hair follicles. This technique is not used in hair clinics yet. It is being actively researched by pioneering hair restoration physicians, like Dr. Bernstein. Although the clinical trials have shown early positive results in humans, surgeons still cannot control the angulation or direction of the actual hair growth. Furthermore, there is the difficulty in getting dermal papilla cells in humans to self-aggregate and form hair follicles.


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Dr. Aslan Hair Clinic